League of Legends

Backlash after MAD Lions “owner” Slams Carzzy in Twitter Rant

Social media erupted late on Sunday evening (Oct 24) as it appeared that one of MAD Lion’s owners had heavily criticized the performance of Matyáš “Carzzy” Orság in a post on Twitter.

The tweet by “Revenant”, whose Twitter bio described him as a MAD Lions Co-owner, was a scathing critique of MAD Lion’s starting AD player. Roughly translated to english, the tweet stated that Elyoya and Kaiser are trying to carry the rest of the team. The tweet also claimed that Revenant thinks Carzzy is not good enough for the LEC level, and if it were up to him he’d have put Victor “Flakked” Lirola in as a sub.

Fans and personalities instantly jumped to the defense of Carzzy who felt it was incredibly unprofessional for an “owner” to criticize a player in this manner. 

However, in a tweet posted some time later, it was revealed that Revenant was not a MAD Lions owner at all. He was instead a partnered content creator who’d taken it upon himself to add the “co-owner” title to his Twitter profile.

In a statement by MAD Lions, the team backed Carzzy and stated they fully supported the team and all of its players.  

MAD Lions were eliminated from Worlds 2021 in a Quarter Finals match on the afternoon of Oct 24. The team managed to successfully navigate the group stage and put on a good showing for most of the tournament.  

However, many feel they faced one of the eventual finalists of the tournament in DWG Kia. MAD Lions were the last LEC team remaining in Worlds 2021.