Retired attack carry Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng has ripped into Team SoloMid stating that he “Hates” the team in a long on-stream rant. The former TSM player slammed the organization on November 9th during a stream.
The rant covered numerous bases, including issues with his retirement. The former TSM star suggested he was effectively forced into retirement by the organisation, after TSM stated they couldn’t get Hu “SwordArt” Shuo-Chieh to be his Support. SwordArt also departed the organisation this past off-season
SwordArt reportedly had told Doublelift that “If me and Bjergsen were still playing, we’d have 100% won.” He continued to slam TSM, stating “It would be a personal pleasure of mine to see TSM never win anything again.”
But Andy “Reginald” Dinh wasn’t going to take the criticism lying down. He took to Reddit to respond to the allegations and get his side out.
Another party stuck in the middle is Aleena “Leena” Xu. The president of TSM, currently in a relationship with Doublelift, and formerly in a relationship with Regi, let her feelings on the situation be known in a response on the TSM Discord.
Ultimately her point is that they’re both wrong and both have big egos. Something that shouldn’t be a surprise for fans of either party.
The drama could even be labelled as nostalgic. It reminds of the long-passed days of TSM Baylife, and YouTube videos showing Regi in shouting matches with Marcus “Dyrus” Hill, and Shan “Chaox” Huang. It’s highschool-level drama at the highest levels of esports.
Whatever your reaction, the damning claims of Doublelift should echo in the minds of TSM fans for months to come. Especially if the team fails to achieve the high levels of success in League of Legends that are expected of them.